Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Wall Perné high-quality art prints on canvas

Gust van de Wall Perné (Dutch painter and writer) 1877 - 1911

Gust van de Wall Perné found his inspiration in the nature of the Veluwe, around his hometown Apeldoorn. At the same time he took an active part in the Amsterdam art scene and was a member of several artistic circles there, as St. Luke. In his work dominates nature and its relation to culture. His painting and illustration work is counted among the naturalism and symbolism. From the Wall Perné also designed reform dress and furniture and batiked. He was also active in the field of folklore. His interest in the ancient folklore of the Veluwe was reflected in the well known bundle Veluwsche Sagas. From the Wall Perné died at the age of 34 to lead poisoning.

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