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Reichert high-quality art prints on canvas

Carl Reichert (Austrian painter) 1836 - 1918

Carl Reichert (also: Karl Reichert), pseudonym: J. Hartung (born August 27, 1836 in Vienna, † April 5, 1918 in Graz) was an Austrian painter, especially landscape and animal painter. Carl Reichert was born the son of the history painter, lithographer and photographer Heinrich Reichert and his wife Karolina. After attending elementary school, he attended the State Drawing Academy in Graz from 1850/51. Together with his teacher and friend Josef Kuwasseg, he created the “Castle Album for Archduchess Sophie” in 1854, in which Graz Castle was recorded before and after its demolition. In the years 1855-1860 he created landscapes of Styrian castles and palaces. In 1865 he was able to complete a work already begun by his father on local views called "Then and Now". From 1866 to 1869 he was able to travel to Italy. At the request of Count Hügel (1835-1897) at Rheinthal Castle, he portrayed his two pointing dogs. This should justify his career as an animal painter, as Princess Klaudine Teck then recommended him to the Austrian imperial court. Under the pseudonym J. Hartung, he made around 600 animal depictions, especially horses and dogs, which were in great demand. 

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