Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Philipsen high-quality art prints on canvas

Sally Philipsen (Danish painter) 1879 - 1936

Sally Nicolaj Philipsen (January 29, 1879 in Copenhagen - May 15, 1936 ibid) was a Danish painter. Philipsen was the son of a book printer, later wholesaler, Ferdinand Philipsen and Sophie née Wagner. He studied painting for two years. He graduated from the Technical Society's School under Holger Grønvold and was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in January 1896, where he studied under Frants Henningsen and Otto Bache. In November 1901 he retired as an artist. He visited Italy in 1903, 1907 (about 1 year, of which a half year in Assisi) and 1928; Paris 1910 and 1927 and was on several trips to Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden. He received the Academy's scholarship in 1904, Kaufmann's Scholarship in 1906, Nathan's Scholarship in 1932 and Benny Claudi - Pedersen's Scholarship in 1936. He was a member of the board of the Painting Artists' Association. Philipsen is buried at Mosaisk Vestre Begravelsesplads, where the tombstone was made in 1937 by Aage Lønborg-Jensen.

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