Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Normand high-quality art prints on canvas

Ernest Normand (British painter) 1859 - 1923

Ernest Normand was a notable painter in Victorian England. He painted history and orientalist paintings, and also undertook portraits. His work was influenced by the Pre-Raphaelites. In 1884 he married the painter Henrietta Rae. They both painted the nude in lush settings, and were criticised for an apparent tendency towards an excess of sensuality in some of their paintings. He and his wife were based in London from the early 1890s, where he had his studio and received support from the circle around Lord Leighton. Normand painted the "King John Granting the Magna Carta" fresco at the Royal Exchange in London (painted 1900, restored 2001). * * * Henrietta Rae (British painter) 1859 - 1928 Henrietta Emma Ratcliffe Rae was born in Hammersmith, London, in 1859 the youngest of seven children. Her father was a civil servant and her mother a former music student of Felix Mendelssohn. Her uncle, Charles Rae was also an artist, studying under George Cruikshank. Rae showed early artistic promise and began her formal studies from the age of thirteen at the Queen Square School of Art. She later attended Heatherley’s School of art, Newman Street, becoming its first female student. She applied a number of times to the Royal Academy schools before being accepted and won a seven year scholarship. There she was taught be Frank Bernard Dicksee, William Powell Frith and Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema who was a great influence on her later work. 

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