Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Linton high-quality art prints on canvas

James Dromgole Linton (British painter) 1840 - 1916

James Dromgole Linton was a figure, portrait, genre and historical painter, watercolourist and lithographer. He was the father of the painter and miniaturist Violet Linton. Linton studied at J. M. Leigh's Art School. In his early years he worked as an illustrator for the Graphic. His detailed historical genre scenes with their love of rich costume have been likened to those of George Cattermole. He exhibited in London from 1863 at the Royal Academy, Grosvenor Gallery, New Gallery, Dudley Gallery and Fine Art Society. In 1867 he was made an associate of the New Water Colour Society. He was elected an associate of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters in 1867 and a full member in 1870, acting as its President from 1884 to 1899 and 1909 to 1916. In 1883 he was elected a member of the Royal Society of Oil Painters and in this year was named its President. In 1884 he was elected to the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colour, and was knighted in the following year. In 1896 he was made an Honorary member of the Royal Miniature Society and in 1910 its Honorary President. In 1886/88 Linton's name appears in a list in one of James McNeil Whistler's sketchbooks, possibly being invited to a private view. 

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