Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Hodler high-quality art prints on canvas

Ferdinand Hodler (Swiss painter) 1853 - 1918

From 1871-78 Hodler studied in Geneva with Barthélémy Menn, a pupil of Ingres and a friend of Corot. He travelled in Switzerland and Spain and discovered the works of Dürer, Holbein and Raphael. Began his Symbolist period with Night, which won him international repute. Hodler exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais, the Rose+Croix and the Vienna, Munich and Berlin Sezession. The coherence of his compositions was based on repeated lines, volumes and colours, a method he termed "parallelism". Source: The Modernist Journals Project, Brown and Tulsa Universities, ongoing.

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