Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Grimshaw high-quality art prints on canvas

John Atkinson Grimshaw (British painter) 1836 - 1893

John Atkinson Grimshaw was a Victorian-era artist, a "remarkable and imaginative painter" known for his city night-scenes and landscapes. Grimshaw's primary influence was the Pre-Raphaelites. True to the Pre-Raphaelite style, he created landscapes of accurate colour, lighting, and vivid detail. He painted landscapes that typified seasons or a type of weather; city and suburban street scenes and moonlit views of the docks in London, Leeds, Liverpool, and Glasgow also figured largely in his art. His careful painting and skill in lighting effects meant that he captured both the appearance and the mood of a scene in minute detail. His "paintings of dampened gas-lit streets and misty waterfronts conveyed an eerie warmth as well as alienation in the urban scene. Several of his children, Arthur Grimshaw (1868–1913), Louis H. Grimshaw (1870–1944), Wilfred Grimshaw (1871–1937) and Elaine Grimshaw (1877–1970) became painters. * * * Arthur E. Grimshaw (British painter) 1868 - 1913 Arthur E. Grimshaw was a very little-known artist who was the son of John Atkinson Grimshaw. Arthur painted moonlight scenes and winter landscapes in his father’s style, but without the same technical mastery or poetic feeling. He is not known to have exhibited in London. With the revival of interest in his father’s work, Arthur’s work now appears on the London Art Market. Arthur was also a composer and organist at the Roman Catholic Church in Leeds. * * * Louis H. Grimshaw (British painter) 1870 - 1944 Louis Grimshaw was the son of the succesful John Atkinson Grimshaw. Several of his siblings Arthur Grimshaw (1868–1913), Wilfred Grimshaw (1871–1937) and Elaine Grimshaw (1877–1970) became painters.

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