Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Detmold high-quality art prints on canvas

Edward Julius Detmold (British painter) 1883 - 1957

Edward Julius and his twin brother Charles Maurice Detmold’s artistic ability was apparent from an early age; aged five they drew animals in the zoological gardens in Regent’s Park and the Natural History Museum and exhibited at the Royal Academy from the age of thirteen. The child prodigies were encouraged by their Uncle, the Bengalese born physician, Dr E.B. Shuldham who brought them up and shared his knowledge and love of natural history. They experimented with etching and colour printing and in 1903 illustrated an edition of Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book to great acclaim. After his brother’s death, Edward continued to execute prints and watercolours with his distinctive use of colour and deft technical prowess. 

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