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Bréanski high-quality art prints on canvas


Alfred de Bréanski Sr (British painter) 1852 - 1928

Alfred de Breanski Senior was a distinguished landscape painter who became famous for his resplendent views of the Welsh and Scottish Highlands; he also painted many views of the Thames. Often bathed in a flood of golden light, these landscapes usually feature water and cattle or sheep on grassy banks; sometimes a solitary figure is seen the distance. Bréanski belonged to the real stamp of those landscape painters who nimbly seized moments of the day. He had a great passion for the Highlands and perhaps more than any other, caught the atmospheric influences of the undulating landscape. Born in London, Alfred was the eldest son of Leopold Bréanski; his younger brother and sister, Gustave and Julie, were also painters. He made his debut at the Royal Academy in 1872 and he continued to exhibit there until 1918. He also exhibited at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and the Royal Cambrian Academy. His many patrons included Sir James Lemon and the Bishop of Peterborough, who purchased the first picture that he exhibited at the Royal Academy “Evening: Softly falls the even light”. In 1873, Bréanski married Annie Roberts, a talented Welsh artist whom he met during his frequent painting trips to Wales. They had seven children, two of which, Alfred Fontville and Arthur, were both to become painters. For much of his life Bréanski lived in Greenwich, Lewisham and Cookham and in 1880 he became a Freeman of the City of London. The work of Bréanski is represented in several public collections including the Southampton Art Gallery and the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Source: Haynes Fine Art * * * Gustave de Bréanski (British painter) ca. 1856 - 1899 Gustave de Breanski’s name, like that of his older brother Alfred, is synonymous with attractive landscapes and coastal scenes. The de Breanskis were prolific painters who described themselves as landscape artists, but in Gustave’s case the majority of his work is made up of seascapes and inshore scenes. All seven of his Royal Academy exhibits between 1878 and 1887 consisted primarily of marine views. Gustave’s style is much broader and more impressionistic than that of his brother. His paintings, often featuring fishing boats and other working craft, convey a maritime realism that is both distinctive and widely appealing. His proficiency with a color is excellent, and his composition shows an adeptness at both balance and perspective. A strong supporter of the Suffolk Street Galleries, the artist exhibited some 51 canvases there throughout his career. Today, paintings by Gustave de Breanski are gaining in popularity among discerning collectors and are considered quite reasonably priced in the fine art market. Source: John Nicholson Fine Art * * * Alfred Fontville de Bréanski (British painter) 1877 - 1957 Alfred Fontville De Breanski (Junior) was one of seven children born to the prolific British landscape painter, Alfred De Breanski (Senior)(1852-1928). Though his paintings emanate those of his father in palette and subject matter, his landscapes are executed in a slightly less formal style. His main body of work concentrates on the effects of sunlight on the Highland scenery at different times of the day. Between 1905 and 1920, de Breanski painted a series of English garden scenes done in a colourful, impressionistic style. 

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