Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Brandeis high-quality art prints on canvas

Antonietta Brandeis (Austrian painter) 1848 - 1926

She was born on January 13, 1848, in Miscocon, Galicia (then part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire and now part of Ukraine. She is also known under the names Antonie Brandeisova and Antonio Brandeis. The first bibliographical indication of Antonietta Brandeis dates from her teens, when she is mentioned as a pupil of the Czech artist Karel Javurek of Prague. Javurek is known for his painting of historical and genre scenes; he was also a portrait painter. After the death of Antonietta’s father, her mother, Giuseppina Dravhozvall, remarried the Venetian Giovanni Nobile Scaramella; shortly afterward the family apparently moved to Venice. In the 1867 registry of the Venetian Academy of Fine Arts Antonietta is listed as being enrolled as an art student. At this time Antonietta would have been nineteen, and one of the first females to receive academic instruction in the fine arts in Italy. In fact, the Ministry granted women the legal right to instruction in the fine arts only in 1875, by which time Brandeis had finished her education at the Academy. 

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