Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Schjerfbeck Helene The Convalescent 1888
High-quality classic art print on canvas

Schjerfbeck Helene The Convalescent 1888 canvas print
Beautiful Photo Prints and Gifts
Professionally Printed
Photo Prints the same day
Professional quality finish
Made with high-grade materials
Carefully packed to aid safe arrival
Size Only The Art Print Art Print Framed Oil Paint On Canvas
9 x 8 in (23 x 20 cm) $ 75
12 x 10 in (30 x 25 cm) $ 42
$ 104
16 x 14 in (40 x 35 cm) $ 59
$ 137
20 x 17 in (50 x 43 cm) $ 74
$ 164
24 x 20 in (60 x 50 cm) $ 94
$ 200
32 x 27 in (80 x 68 cm) $ 113
$ 274
$ 542
40 x 34 in (100 x 86 cm) $ 148
$ 364
$ 681
48 x 41 in (120 x 104 cm) $ 214
$ 942
  • Canvas or paper print: for canvas print, 2 inches (5 cm) white borders are added to these dimensions for stretching purpose.
  • Framed prints: Matboard and frame adds about 5 1/2 inches (14 cm) to these sizes.
  • Paintings: High-quality prints on canvas enhanced with oil paint.

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Print with wooden frame

UV prints on canvas

Special art prints high-quality canvas and Modern UV printing with top quality inks for durable colors (guarantee 99 years); accurate colors rendering.

Wooden stretchers

Your print is stretched on a wooden chassis. A chassis is a structure made of wood bars, assembled together, on which the canvas is attached too.

Floating frame

Floating frame for your canvas. For classic or modern prints on canvas, you can't go wrong with a floating frame, that will look good in any interior style.

Your print of Schjerfbeck Helene The Convalescent 1888 on canvas

is a fine piece of art that will embellish your home with its bright colors and intense contrasts.

We are making sure of it by using the finest material and printing techniques in our professional printing studio. We are handling each print carefully and are making them especially for you, according to your specifications.

Buying Schjerfbeck Helene The Convalescent 1888 for your home, or as a present, guarantee you the acquisition of a perfect piece of Art that will last for decades: we will make sure of that! Our philosophy is to focus on a strict follow-up of the printing process to ensure your satisfaction. Our quality is top-notch, our prints are splendid, and we stand by our products.

We will deliver your chosen work of Poppins' studio art prints at your home within days, for your greater satisfaction.

A beautiful piece of art printed on canvas

Do you place a lot of value on having a stylish and warm atmosphere in your home? Your print of Schjerfbeck Helene The Convalescent 1888 on traditional canvas combines a warm look with simple elegance. With its unique matte surface texture, canvas gives your picture a lively, tactile materiality.

Our canvas for printing is a top grade professional canvas and is “OBA Free” (No Optical Brightening Agents).

The matte surface of our canvas gives the Art print you chose a lively look with a soft feel. The canvas texture elevates your print of choice natural warmth, making it an especially great choice for Classical prints.

Our canvases use a premium print valued for its rich, luminous colors. Using a highly advanced, 9-ink, 8-color Inkjet or UV printing technique, the pictures maintain their brilliance for decades. The inks are encapsulated in resin, which makes the print waterproof and smudge-proof right away.

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