Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

High Quality Modern Art Prints on Canvas


Step into the vibrant world of our modern art print collection, where each piece sparks conversation and provokes thought. From Basquiat's primitivist sketches and Dali's dreamlike landscapes to Hopper's realist depictions of American life, we have something to suit every taste. Take a visual journey with Kandinsky's abstract compositions, Miro's biomorphic forms, or Vasarely's optic illusions. Our modern art prints capture the spirit and innovation of these art movements, allowing you to add a touch of artistic sophistication to your space.

When you buy a modern art print from Poppins, you're investing in a piece that reflects the same energy as the original. We take every detail into account, utilizing only 320 GSM gesso-prepped cotton canvas that far surpasses the standard polyester canvas used by competitors. Our top-grade inks guarantee the most accurate color rendition, and our protective varnish coating shields against UV discoloration. This is why our modern art prints truly mirror the original's movements, brush strokes, and colors. These custom-trimmed prints have 2-inch (50mm) borders for framing.

Infuse modern art into your space today. Order your modern art prints at Poppins shop!

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