Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Basquiat Canvas Art Prints - High Quality Art Prints

A Basquiat canvas print not only offers a touch of urban grit and explosive color to your space but also sparks deep, intellectual conversations. Jean-Michel Basquiat, known for his raw Neo-Expressionist pieces, captivated the art world with his striking works such as ‘The Bicycle Man,’ ‘Two Heads on Gold,’ and ‘Riding with Death.’ His art—often layered with text and codes—are profound commentaries on power structures and social injustices. Basquiat canvas Art prints transport you into the vibrant, edgy world of one of the most influential artists of the late 20th century!


When you choose to purchase a Basquiat canvas print from Poppins, you're choosing excellence. Our commitment to detail means we only use a superior 320 GSM gesso-prepped cotton canvas and top-quality inks that promise the truest rendition of colors, preserving the bold hues that Basquiat was known for. Our Basquiat canvas Art prints also receive a protective varnish coating, acting as a shield against UV discoloration. This ensures our prints don't just replicate but truly embody the original's energy. Bring home the power and vibrancy of Basquiat with Poppins canvas prints!

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