Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Williams high-quality art prints on canvas

Terrick John Williams (British painter) 1860 - 1937

Terrick John Williams studied in Antwerp (1885-1886) and at the Académie Julian in Paris under Bouguereau and Tony Robert-Fleury (1887-1889). He exhibited at the Royal Academy in London from 1888 and the Salon des Artistes Français in Paris where he won a third-class medal in 1908 and a second-class medal in 1911. Williams travelled extensively in Europe and particularly France, where he painted landscapes in Normandy, Britanny and Paris. In 1929 he designed a series of posters for the London Underground Group. He was made an associate of the Royal Academy in 1924 and a full member in 1933. He was also appointed president of the Royal Watercolour Society in 1933.

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