Poppins shop high-quality art prints on canvas

Cortès high-quality art prints on canvas

Edouard Léon Cortès (French painter) 1882 - 1969

Born in Lagny in August of 1882, Edouard-Léon Cortès is known for his extensive oeuvre, consisting primarily of Parisian street scenes. Day or night, in winter, fall, spring and summer; in rain, snow, sleet or shine, Cortès depicted Parisians strolling on the Place Madeleine, Place Saint Michel, Place de l'Opera, or Place de la Republique; past Notre Dame, the Moulin Rouge, the Theatre du Vaudeville, or the Metro George V; on the Rue Royale, the Porte Saint Denis, the Boulevard des Capuccines or along the Seine. In 1907, Cortès became a member of the Société des Artistes Français. He was also a member of the Salon de la Société Nationale and figured prominently in the Salon des Independents. * 

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